We remain open and are continuing operations during this time however to minimise the risk of exposure to COVID-19 to our tenants, clients, staff and community Housing Plus has introduced the following guidelines from 28th June.
If you have any questions, please call 1800 603 300 or email info@housingplus.com.au
- If you, a family member or household visitor have been in the Greater Sydney region (including the Blue Mountains, Central Coast, Wollongong and Shellharbour) on or after 21st June please remain at home for 14 days after you left Greater Sydney and follow Health NSW advice
- If you need to visit us, we ask that you make an appointment. Please do this by calling or emailing us before attending one of our offices as we are working on skeleton office staff to ensure we are maintaining social distancing (one person per four square metre rule)
- Masks are mandatory in all offices including staff
- Checking in via QR codes is mandatory
- People should only enter the Greater Sydney region for essential purposes
- If you have any signs or symptoms of cold or flu including a runny nose, sore throat or fever please get tested and remain at home until you have received your test result and follow Health NSW Advice
- If you are yet to register yourself for the COVID-19 vaccination you can check your eligibility and register via this link: Getting vaccinated | NSW Government
Housing Plus Tenants
For all enquiries regarding your tenancy, including rental payments please call your local office
Orange              Ph 1800 603 300
Bathurst            Ph 6331 7059
Mudgee             Ph 6372 7816
We are asking where possible email or telephone are used to communicate. If you require assistance any of our team members can help you.
Domestic Violence Services
If you are experiencing domestic violence and it is an emergency, call 000. Alternatively, women can call the Housing Plus domestic violence services.
We are asking where possible email or telephone are used to communicate. If you require assistance any of our team members can help you.
Call us on 1300 38 4357 (1300 DV HELP) or send us an email dv@housingplus.com.au
Homelessness Services
If you or someone you know are homeless or at risk of being homeless please call 1800 674 474 or email us on hsm@housingplus.com.au
Our Orange office at 113 Byng Street will remain open and we have a team on site. We are asking where possible email or telephone are used to communicate so we can limit face to face contact during this time. If you require assistance any of our team members can help you.
After hours — Link2home 1800 152 152