Our Developments

Our Developments

We deliver large scale affordable housing and specialist accommodation programs across regional NSW, with the vision to improve people’s lives through independence and choice.

Valued at over $180m
(avg $36m per year)

Creating over 400 new homes (avg 80 per year)

Supporting approximately 850 vulnerable people
(avg 170 per year)

Creating 1,240 new jobs
(avg 248 per year)

Project SAHF:

280 Affordable Homes Across The Central West & Orana

Affordable Housing
280 Homes
Central West & Orana, NSW
Project Value:

As part of the NSW Government’s Social and Affordable Housing Fund (SAHF), alongside a $90M investment from Housing Plus, we built a total of 280 social and affordable properties in Orange, Bathurst, Cowra, Lithgow, Parkes, Mudgee and Dubbo.

All homes are built to the Silver standard of the Livable Housing Design Guidelines, have a 7-star rating under the Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme and are fully electric and solar-powered.

House exterior mock up | Housing Plus

Project Core & Cluster

10 Domestic Violence Core & Cluster Refuges Across Regional NSW

Crisis Accommodation
10 Community Facilities, 74 Units
Across NSW
Project Value:

As part of the NSW Government’s Core and Cluster Sector Capacity Building Grants program, Housing Plus was successfully awarded the contract to construct and manage 10 Core and Cluster emergency domestic violence relief refuges.

This project will see Housing Plus deliver 74 units across 10 NSW locations including Bathurst, Dubbo. Albury, Coffs Harbour, Lake Macquarie, Maitland, Singleton, Lithgow, Queanbeyan and Tamworth.

Project CHIF:

18 Affordable Homes Across The Central West

Affordable Housing
18 Homes
Central West, NSW
Project Value:

As part of the NSW Government’s Community Housing Innovation Fund, Housing Plus are constructing 18 one and two-bedroom affordable homes across the Central West.

4 Houses in Forbes have been completed with 8 homes across Parkes and Blayney set to be complete in early 2024. We have also just secured further funding to build additional homes in Bathurst, Blayney and Parkes, NSW.

All homes are built to the Silver standard of the Livable Housing Design Guidelines, have a 7-star rating under the Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme and are fully electric and solar-powered.

Project SDA:

12 Specialist Disability Accommodation Units Across The Central West

SDA Accommodation
12 Units
Bathurst, Dubbo & Orange, NSW
Project Value:

Housing Plus built 7 Specialist Disability Accommodation units in Orange and Dubbo, with a further 5 units in Bathurst to be completed in 2024.Y

This accommodation provides secure, sustainable housing for those with High Physical Support needs under the NDIS Specialist Disability Accommodation.
This development is built to a 6-star rating under the Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme and was funded by the Australian Government.

Project Together Home:

10 Specialist Homelessness Units in Dubbo and Orange

Affordable Housing
10 Units
Orange & Dubbo, NSW
Project Value:

As part of the NSW Government’s Together Home Program, targeted at helping street-sleeping across NSW into stable accommodation, Housing Plus is building 6 specialist accommodation units in Dubbo and a further 4 units in Orange.

All homes are built to the Silver standard of the Livable Housing Design Guidelines, have a 7-star rating under the Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme and are fully electric and solar-powered.

Project Orange Orchard:

The Orchard Domestic Violence Accommodation in Orange

Crisis Accommodation
Community Facility with 6 Units
Orange, NSW
Project Value:

In 2020, Plus Property built The Orchard Orange – one of the first Core and Cluster purpose-built women and children’s domestic and family violence centre. The Orchard consists of a ‘core’ building containing meeting rooms, communal facilities, a crèche and overnight accommodation for one member of staff; and a ‘cluster’ of three duplex buildings, each containing two two-bedroom villas (six units in total). These are fully enclosed and set in landscaped gardens.

This independent living model is a considerable improvement to the communal refuge accommodation that has been standard in crisis care for many decades and better meets the needs of individual families, providing women and children leaving violence the best opportunity for trauma recovery.

The developments are built to a 7-star rating under the Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme. This project was funded by the Australian Government Department of Social Services, the NSW Department of Communities & Justice, local sponsorship and fundraising.