Design Guide: Specialist Domestic Violence Accommodation

Design guide

This Design Guide has been developed by Housing Plus in collaboration with Custance Architects. It explores the importance of providing thoughtful and high[1]quality design for those affected by domestic and family violence (DFV) and key factors that need to be considered when new facilities are designed and built, through design that meets their need for […]

Housing to address homelessness in Bathurst and Cabonne

The recent announcement that Housing Plus will be delivering the Together Home program across Bathurst and Cabonne areas of Central West NSW was welcomed by CEO David Fisher. Together Home is a new NSW government initiative aimed at tackling rough sleeping. Those sleeping rough in our communities will be rapidly housed and given on going […]

Homelessness Week 2-8 August 2020 #HW2020

Upfold St affordable housing

This year the theme for Homelessness Week (#HW2020) is Everybody Needs a Home and Homelessness Australia is partnering with Everybody’s Home on campaign activities. Housing Plus provides the homelessness and housing support service to vulnerable people in Orange. In 2019-20, Housing Plus saw 1,390 people seeking homelessness support from their service, 778 of whom were […]

Media Release – White Tie Ball – Raising funds to build The Orchard

White Tie Ball – Raising funds to build The Orchard On Saturday 16th May Housing Plus and the Australian Community Media will again be hosting the White Tie Ball. This year we are raising money to complete the fit out of the communal areas that are being built. In 2019, Housing Plus and event partners […]

Housing Plus providing help for the homeless

  With World Homelessness Day on 10 October highlighting a serious international problem, Housing Plus CEO Karen Andrew says locally, there are more homeless people than many would realise. “What some people may not know is that homelessness can be hidden,” Ms Andrews said. “It affects a broad range of the community and it’s not […]