Home Energy Action Program initiated

Solar panel installation birds eye view

Housing Plus are currently rolling out a project under the NSW Government Home Energy Action Program (HEAP) Department of Planning Industry & Environment (DPIE). The HEAP is funded through a co-contribution at 50/50 between HP & DPIE. The Program commenced November 2020.

The project aims to deliver a range of financial, health and wellbeing benefits to low-income tenants in up to 250 dwellings through the installation of energy efficiency measures. Most of these properties are in and around Orange and Bathurst.

Housing Plus\’s is implementing a range of thermal comfort and energy efficient measures to help Tenants to

  • Reduce energy costs
  • Improve health, wellbeing, and comfort
  • Provide household comfort across all seasonal variances
  • Engage with Tenants in behaviour change associated with improved understanding and capacity to manage energy use

The project will do this through the delivery of the below measures:

  • Installation of solar photovoltaic (PV) arrays at 150 properties
  • Installation of the solar PV arrays may be coupled with draught proofing on an as needs basis
  • Installation of up to 100 reverse cycle split system air-conditioners. In general, these will replace highly inefficient electric heaters
  • Contain and reduce energy costs
  • Decrease the risk of energy and fuel poverty

The Program commenced November 2020 with the Solar PV’s. Twelve systems have already been installed in Bathurst with the remainder scheduled for completion by the 30th April 2021.

We have just concluded the procurement process for the installation of the reverse cycle split system air-conditioners which will commence in January 2021 and are scheduled for completion by 30th April 2021.