Attention Housing Plus Tenants! We want your feedback

Customer survey on a tablet screen

Many of you would be aware that each year in conjunction with the Community Housing Industry Association (CHIA) NSW, the industry peak body for community housing providers in NSW, we carry out a Customer Satisfaction Survey.

This provides you with an opportunity to let us know what we do well and where we can improve. It helps us understand what is important to you so we can plan, seek out funding support and adapt our organisation to better service and support you.

Please keep an eye out for a letter from CHIA, which will have your survey enclosed. You can expect your survey to arrive in the post in April and you can either complete the hard copy return it using the reply-paid envelope provided, or use the username and password on the front page to complete the survey online via the below link.

We value your feedback and encourage you to complete the survey before Friday 17 May 2024. All tenants that complete the survey by Friday 17 May goes in the draw to win one of ten $150 gift vouchers. 

If you have any questions about the survey or how the information will be used please feel free to contact Rochelle on 1800 603 300.