COVID-19 Update Tuesday 27 July

With the NSW Government announcement that the current \’Stay at Home\’ order for Orange, Cabonne and Blayney LGA\’s will be lifted at 12:01 tonight (Wednesday 28th July 2021) the Housing Plus Bathurst and Orange offices will re-open tomorrow, Wednesday 28 July.

We do still ask all our customers and clients to phone ahead to make an appointment prior to attending any of our offices so we can ensure social distancing and 4m2 per person.

We will also be continuing with COVID safe practices and requirements under the NSW Government Health order remain in place.

They include:

  • Compulsory mask wearing in the indoors/workplace
  • QR code check-ins
  • 4 square meters per person and 1.5 meters social distancing
  • Hand hygiene


We would like to thank our customers, clients and staff for their understanding and flexibility. If you have any questions please contact us on: 1800 603 300 or email