Housing Plus CEO welcomes second phase of funding to address shortage of social and affordable housing

Housing Plus CEO, David Fisher, welcomes the NSW Premier’s announcement, yesterday, of a second phase of the Social and Affordable Housing Fund, which will provide a much needed boost to housing supply.

It is part of a package of new measures to improve housing affordability in NSW, including removing stamp duty for first home buyers of existing and new properties costing up to $650,000, and changes to eligibility for the existing $10,000 first home owner grant.

David says, “We welcome the NSW Government’s commitment to providing much needed affordable housing for low income households. We believe this is a positive step towards meeting the shortfall of affordable housing for individuals and families living in NSW.”
Housing Plus is a community housing provider with offices in Orange, Bathurst and Mudgee.

We provide social and affordable housing for individuals and families on low to moderate incomes, as well as specialist case coordination and case management services to effectively end homelessness and domestic violence across the Central West and Western NSW.

For further information or a photo opportunity, telephone Emma Kable on 1800 603 300 or email emma@housingplus.com.au