Innovative new service to offer pathways to sustainable employment for social housing tenants

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Housing Plus – in partnership with Skillset and Joblink Plus – is creating opportunities for social housing clients in Western and Far West NSW to improve their employment situation and leave social housing under a ground breaking new service, Opportunity Pathways.

Opportunity Pathways is a new program initiative under Future Directions for Social Housing in NSW, the NSW Government’s 10-year vision for social housing, which aims to transform the social housing system and break the cycle of disadvantage.

David Fisher, CEO at Housing Plus, says, “We are delighted to be awarded the Opportunity Pathways program to support social housing tenants to find employment across Western and Far West NSW. This will provide new opportunities for customers and will help to improve many lives.”

“As both a regional community housing provider and a support service provider, we know only too well the challenges and barriers many social housing customers face in gaining and sustaining employment and housing independence.”

“Our partners, Skillset and Joblink Plus are a perfect fit for Housing Plus – like us, they are both not-for-profits who are committed to supporting disadvantaged clients living in regional communities.”

“Both organisations have some excellent partnerships with major employers in the region and will be able to offer social housing customers a range of pathways to sustainable employment.”

Opportunity Pathways is voluntary and will be trialled in three locations in Western NSW – Orange, Bathurst and Dubbo – and Broken Hill in the Far West. Clients who agree to engage in the program will receive practical assistance, training and work opportunities to help them secure a job, work more hours or improve their employment situation.

Services include training, workshops, one-on-one support, case management and wrap around support, coaching and mentoring, work experience placements, job placements and work retention support.

Christine Shewry, CEO at Joblink Plus, says, “It’s difficult to overstate the role of a meaningful, sustainable job in achieving housing independence. It’s imperative.”

“Joblink Plus is delighted to be working so closely with our friends at Housing Plus and Skillset to deliver this important service. Our organisations have a shared commitment to making life better for families in Western and Far West NSW and we’re confident that in partnership with government and community, our commitment will deliver great outcomes.”

Craig Randazzo, CEO at Skillset, says, “Skillset is proud to be partnering with Housing Plus and Joblink Plus to offer Opportunity Pathways. The program will provide people living in social housing in Western and Far West NSW with the support, tools and opportunities to make a positive difference in their lives. Through this program, Skillset is able to offer effective employment and skills development programs, such as the Skillset Workforce Skills4Trade and Youth Connect programs. We will also utilise our extensive relationships with over 180 employers to maximise employment pathways to help individuals take that next step to becoming more independent and open themselves up to greater opportunities.”

For more information, see the Central Western Daily article about Opportunity Pathways here.

Click here to find out how you can participate in Opportunity Pathways or telephone 1800 940 409.