Case Studies

Case Studies

Rita and Peter are the longest tenants of Housing Plus, having commenced their tenancy in 1993. Throughout that time, they have lovingly cared for their home and garden and have developed close relationships within the local community. Recently, they have had some health concerns, which has meant that they have not been able to tend to their garden as much as they previously did, and we were able to support them to ensure their garden was maintained to a high standard.

“The support Housing Plus has given us has always made us feel safe and secure. It has also allowed us not to worry about housing and let us concentrate on our health, and that support is continuing as we look to transfer to Dubbo to be closer to family.”

Rita & Peter

Housing Plus customers and neighbours Andrew and Lynette lived in their respective one-bedroom units in Mudgee. The units, which are now being redeveloped, had a standard affordable housing design with very limited accessibility, and were ultimately not appropriate for both Andrew and Lynette’s needs.

Ahead of the redevelopment of their original housing commencing, Housing Plus Housing Officers and Support Coordinators worked closely with Andrew and his sister Sharon, (who is his legal guardian) to develop a plan to move Andrew into a suitable, more accessible home.

During this time Housing Plus was building four brand new duplex homes in Mudgee, as part of our large affordable house building program. Timings aligned and the team were able to move not only Andrew, but his friend and neighbour, Lynette into two of the four new units.

The suitability of these properties for both their needs, along with the strong and supportive relationship of Andrew and Lynette, has allowed them to remain as neighbours.

Of his new home, Andrew says, “I like my new unit so much that I want to buy it.  I will never leave here.  Thank you Housing Plus for the new unit and assisting me to move, it is very quiet in this street and the unit is huge and very modern and can make it my own place with a fenced in small yard at the back”. 

Lynette, equally as happy, says “I love my new unit, it is extraordinary and I will never leave it. The move to the new unit was a very positive experience for me. My new home is larger than my old one which is great when friends and family come to visit me. Thank you Housing Plus for this opportunity you have made a difference in my life.”

Andrew & Lynette

Darren* presented to the Orange Homelessness and Housing Support Service as he was homeless and staying in Temporary Accommodation through DCJ- Housing. He needed some assistance in finding long-term accommodation.

Darren was a 20-year-old who had been couch surfing all over NSW for the previous 12 months. Darren presented as a very shy and reserved young man who had come through the Out Of Care program.

Darren was allocated to a caseworker who completed a risk assessment for Wirree Adult Refuge which is run by our Orange Homelessness and Housing Support service.

A place opened at Wirree and Darren readily accepted the offer of a room. The accommodation at Wirree is short term emergency accommodation and provided Darren with a safe and stable place to stay while he worked on his goal to obtain long term accommodation.

Support and advocacy was provided by his caseworker. Darren was assisted to look at and apply for private rentals. He was also assisted to lodge an application for housing assistance.

Darren engaged well during his time at Wirree and gained confidence. He completed the Rent It Keep It program which provides crucial information on how to be successful in a tenancy. Darren also enrolled in a Cert 3 in Aged Care at TAFE.

Darren consented to a referral to the Opportunity Pathways Program at Housing Plus and he regularly met with his coach at Wirree. Darren’s housing application was assessed as priority following advocacy from his caseworker and Darren was offered a Housing Plus property which he gladly accepted.

Darren grew in confidence during the time that he was at Wirree, which was wonderful to see. He is now being supported by the sustaining tenancies caseworker to ensure that he has all the tools that are requires to successfully sustain his new tenancy.

“Thank you to Housing Plus for their magnificent service, after 9 months of being homeless, I was able to get a rental property from them and I am settling into a place I can officially call home.”

*Name changed to protect identity.
